Jestha 18, Sunday
It was not a different day than yesterday. The morning passed as usual. I left the bed at 7:45AM. I got Bunu to wake up and helped her to get fresh. Then, Bunu and I prepared tea and had it. Basu was busy washing clothes. Then we started our daily task of homework. Today it was Maths. She wrote 1-100, १-१००, One-1 to Twenty-20, fill in the blanks and addition. Then at around 10:30, we had lunch. I did some online assignments. Then I st surfed the net for some time. Then I completed an online course on ' Mastering Personal and Professional Growth' from Charles Sturt University, Australia. Then Bunu and I went to the meat shop to buy chicken to make dumplings as snacks. Then we made dumplings and had them. As we had had too much of them we didn't have supper to maintain our stomach. Then I watched the film 'MOHANJODAARO' It was a film based on the historic event featured by Hritik Roshan. Then I sat for blogging.